About Mindy

Hey, there! I’m Mindy.

And I am so excited you stopped by! The Consummate Victress has been a dream of mine for years and to see it finally come to life is incredibly thrilling, and to share it with you – well – that’s the icing on the cake!

I hope you’ll pop over to the story page to read how the Consummate Victress started (and what it really stands for; I mean, that’s a BIG name, right?!)

The Short Story

I’m Mindy McCorkle of the House Carnes, Queen of color and happiness, artist, author, speaker, coach, mentor, award-winning facilitator, liberator, business owner, wife, sister, bonus mom, and Mother of Kittens.  (  😆 And clearly a G.O.T. Fan! )

The Back Story

After spending 12 years in restaurant management, 20+ in property management operations, I found the courage to live my dream.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved (or at least liked) my ‘real jobs’ for the most part. But I walked away from my steady paycheck (yikes!) and started Enhancement Talent Development back in 2013.

And NOW in 2020, The Consummate Victress journey starts!

I sort of wish I had listened to my parents and school counselor who encouraged me to pursue my artistic side but what kid listens to adults about stuff like that? And really, I wouldn’t change anything about my journey so far. But I am like a kid headed to Disney right now! I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me!

After taking a few years off from painting and creating mixed media creations (is ‘a few’ is the same as a decade?), I started back painting earlier this year and fell in love with it all over again. I thought I’d have to work up to being decent at it again but it turns out that I had actually gotten better – I think because I used to focus on being precise with what I painted, but now I’ve learned that precision isn’t what it’s all about. It’s often in the process and imperfections where we find the most comfort and inspiration!

The Consummate Victress' parent company, Enhancement Talent Development, provides training, keynotes, coaching, and workshops, with a focus on leadership, learning, and living a positive life.

Personal Stuff

I’m the youngest of 3 girls so some say I’m a bit spoiled but I think they’re wrong. (Wink, wink.) I have a husband who makes me laugh every day. No kids but 25 nieces and nephews of all ages and I work very hard to maintain my status as the Coolest Aunt!  

I’m a vintage junky but also a bit of a tech geek.  I wake up happy, go to bed happy, and stay happy in between. I am a Cat Mom to 4 precious furbabies: Parker Braveheart, Piper Purrbox, Carly Mittens, and Fonzi Chatterbug. Plus I’ve been ‘Mom’ to several feral colonies over the years.  And from those colonies, I’ve rescued and/or fostered dozens of kittens. I’m a complete sucker for a little fluff of kitten love.   OK, so that makes me a ‘crazy cat lady’ but I don’t care – these babies love me unconditionally and bring so much joy to my life!

I’m a bit obsessed with polka dots, bright colors especially pinks and oranges, floral everything, and being creative in a multitude of ways. In true renaissance woman fashion, I don’t ‘niche’ – I choose to flow in whatever direction the wind, my crazy brain, and my desires take me.

My happy place is wherever I happen to be. But when I get to choose my location, I choose the coast. Something happens to my brain when I breathe the salty air, hear the waves crashing, and feel the warm sand between my toes.  I truly think I was a mermaid in another life. You’ll see a lot of seascapes in The Consummate Victress line.

I hope you take a look at The Consummate Victress products and let me know what you think. And if you want to stay in the loop on new stuff coming soon, sign up for email notifications!

Each woman, no matter the age, is a Consummate Victress and together, we will fly!

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