About The Consummate Victress

What is a Consummate Victress?


Consummate meaning talented, accomplished, or complete – which describes every woman on earth.

Victress meaning a female victor – also a description for every female there ever was!

Every woman is complete in her own way.

Every woman has talent.

And every woman is a victress whether she feels like it or not.

Sometimes our victory is getting through the day without slapping someone. Other times our victory is bigger and more discernable. There are big and small victories every day, and we need to celebrate all of them.

The Concept Origination

2020 has brought about a lot of change for all of us. Not just out there in the world, but within our minds, hearts, and souls.

One of the changes that I’ve experienced this year is this deep desire – a need, really – to do something more.  To do something that would light my soul fire and have a positive impact on as many people as possible. Something that is steeped in faith and allows me to share that faith with other women.


Faith should be cherished and celebrated and shared.

So I’ve developed a way to use my talent – and my faith – to create a different approach to business – a completely different journey.

While I’m not ready to give up the B2B part of my world which is Enhancement Talent Development, I wanted to create an outlet for providing inspiration to women, a way to uplift others as so many have done for me.

That’s where The Consummate Victress comes in.

For years, I’ve struggled with the battle women have been fighting to try to be seen as good as or equal to men. I often wondered why we aren’t happy to be different?  I don’t believe that men and women were designed to be equal. I believe men and women were created to serve very different purposes and I’m OK with that.

Matthew Henry, in An Exposition of the Old and New Testament Volume 6, put it this way:

“Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him.”

I am a woman designed by God.

I bring my own value.

I have a purpose.

As does every female on earth.

I don’t think we can have true peace and the most joyful heart possible without purpose and faith even if our faith looks different than someone else’s.

And The Consummate Victress has been designed inspire all women, regardless of their beliefs or life choices, to celebrate being a woman.

The brand’s goal is to rejoice in the journey, spread as much joy and encouragement as possible, to help all women reach a higher level of contentment. 

The Consummate Victress brand will honor and celebrate the love and light women bring to the world and I can’t wait to share that celebration with you.

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About The Consummate Victress Logo

Pink – any variation of it, really – is my favorite color. It represents femininity and unconditional love. It’s also said to represent a nurturing nature and is reassuring in practically any hue. And it’s a widely recognized color of hope. How could we go with any other color for The Consummate Victress logo??

The butterfly is significant, too. Butterflies are said to be powerful representations of life. They represent change, hope, transformation, and spiritual rebirth. Butterflies are mysterious, and beautiful, and play a crucial part in our planet’s health. We couldn’t think of any better representation of what we’re working to accomplish here, and you’ll see butterflies pop up in lots of The Consummate Victress designs.

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