Product Particulars

About the designs:

Each design is created with love. The personality of the designs is a little messy and imprecise because that’s how life is. Each item is a little imperfect because we are wonderfully imperfect creatures and it’s often in the imperfections that we find the most comfort and inspiration.

The design titles themselves are meant to inspire.

In some of the designs that feature a female image, there are no definitive facial features, and many show the female from the back. That is because the images could represent any female. The women and girls are of various types with diverse hair colors, skin colors, sizes, and ages of women because we are all unique.

The scenery and backgrounds in the designs are meant to inspire and evoke a sense of wonder, peace, and possibility.

There is a vintage feel to most of the designs, reminding us that women have been victresses for many years before us. And there is a segment tailored towards young girls to show them their true glory and value. And help us remember that as grown women, we are responsible for inspiring and nurturing future generations of faithful victresses.

About the Product Segments:

All Women

These designs depict women in thought, relaxation, prayer, meditation, or self-care. The items in this chapter are designed for women of all ages, although some may speak louder to women of a particular culture or age.

Young Ladies

The items in this segment are designed to inspire young ladies (or young at-heart ladies.) This product line contains meaningful messages to demonstrate to current and future generations of victresses that they are powerful, beautiful, and ENOUGH just as they were designed.

Celebration and Encouragement

These items are fun (and a little funky) mixed-media designs that contain uplifting messages and motivational reminders. Some are spiritual in nature; others are simply good advice. A few are a little edgy, too! The items in this segment are applicable to women and young ladies of all ages.

Read the whole story behind The Consummate Victress here.

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