A Mixed Media Wonder Women Series

6 Virtual Art Creation Workshops

You may be familiar with those templated art classes where everyone creates basically the same piece of art. Those sessions, when done virtually, are usually done in a Facebook LIVE or in a webinar platform where participants are muted so there’s very little two-way interaction. 

Those kinds of sessions serve their purpose, and they can be fun.  I’ve taken a few of those myself and I enjoyed them.  BUT….

These workshops are NOT like that. 

The Mixed Media Wonder Women Series workshops will allow YOU to create what YOU want to create. With a little direction, some techniques and tips, a few downloadable tools, and some regular household items, you will be guided to design your own mixed media artwork.

These workshops will be done via LIVE Zoom in small groups so that there is plenty of group interaction and communication.  Each person will create an original mixed media piece of art using recycled items and scraps you already have around the house, and/or Dollar store items.  There will be downloadable tools for you to use but no template!  But don’t worry – It does not take any special talent!  Anyone can do it! 

AND each workshop will be themed based on one of the six Wonder Women virtues with lots of inspirational fodder related to that session’s virtue.  Sort of a devotional art class if you will. 

For example, Grace’s symbol is the dove so in her session, we’ll talk about what grace really means, how to live a life of grace, not just talk about it, and how to develop grace as a habit all while creating a dove mixed media art piece that will help remind you to keep Grace at the forefront of your life. 

Here are some examples of the type of artwork we’ll create in these workshops.

The sessions will last about 75 minutes per session.

Get all 6 for just $56.99!!


Not only does registration entitle you to join the live workshop, but it will also get you entry into a private Facebook group where you can share ideas, ask questions, and see creations others have created!  But there will be limited seats for each workshop because I want to make sure everyone gets all the attention you want! 

If you can’t make the live session, you will have access to the recorded session for 2 weeks. And you’ll be able to ask questions and get guidance in the private Facebook group. 

We’ll provide you with a list of supplies to gather ahead of time – but remember, we’ll be using recycled items and scraps mostly, so you don’t have to go out and buy stuff unless you just want to!

If you want to do a group session just for your team, your women’s group, Sunday school class, or any small group, let us and we’ll make it happen!

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